A Look Back...
- February 12 - 16 : Ecuador celebrated "Carnaval". David and I both had some time off work and enjoyed spending some extra time with friends.
- March 4 - 5: Three Alas de Socorro employees went on a short mission trip to a village in the jungle that has refused missionaries for about 3 years. They recently told Alas that they would like to have missionaries start coming back to teach them about the Bible! The trip included activities with children, singing, and preaching. Alas hopes to begin regular mission trips to this, and other villages. Many employees are excited about this opportunity.
- March: Nate Saint Memorial School participated in a school-wide Read-A-Thon. We set a goal of 50,000 pages and went above and beyond that - almost 70,000 pages! Our students were rewarded with a very yummy sundae bar, complete with homemade ice cream and over 10 toppings!
- February/March: Our school was blessed to have several volunteers come to teach art, music, and P.E. as well as share during our chapel time each Monday. Volunteers included grandparents of students, a niece of a fellow missionary, a church group (the same church that built our school library) and a college group.
- March 29: Our students presented an Easter chapel which included music, drama, and reciting scripture. They did an amazing job and really conveyed the joy of Christ's resurrection.
- April 4: David and I celebrated Easter with a 5:00am church service, a brunch with other MAF missionaries, and a cook out at our cousin's house. We are also spending Easter weekend with Nanki, who is staying with us for a few days.
- April 1 - 6: NSMS is out of class for Spring Break. Beth was able to travel to Quito for a couple days with fellow teacher Shari Meuser for a relaxing vacation.
- Praise God for his Son, Jesus, who gives us forgiveness, hope, and joy!
- Pray for David as he will be traveling to Miami for a week along with other MAF directors from the Latin America region. Pray that it will be an informative and refreshing time for all in attendance to the meetings. David will be gone from April 11 - 17.
- Praise God for good health for both of us. Beth was recently sick with a bacterial infection as well as a cold but is feeling much better.
- Pray for the finances at Alas. They have suspended flying non-emergency health flights because the government has failed to pay them for the past five months. Pray for wisdom for the David and the rest of the board as they are making decisions of how to address this situation further.
- Pray for Beth's Kindergarten class as she will have two "new" students joining after Spring Break. One student has been in the States for over a month and the other is a new student for the first time this year. Pray for easy transitions for the entire class.