Sunday, March 01, 2009

I'm blogging! I've finally joined the rest of the world, specifically the missionary world, and decided to start a blog. I hope this blog will help my friends, family, and other supporters get a feeling of my every day life as a missionary teacher here in Shell, Ecuador. Please read these blogs, pray for me, and then post comments and let me know what you think!

Some question you might have about me:

Who are you and who is that handsome guy in the picture with you? - Well, I am a missionary with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Shell, Ecuador where I have been teaching at Nate Saint Memorial School for three years now! And that hunk in the picture with me is my fiance, David Montero. You'll hear more about him in a later blog!

Where are you from? - I am originally from West Virginia, where I grew up near Huntington. However, I also had the awesome opportunity to live in Shell, Ecuador on short-term occasions as a child. My father was a doctor in a mission hospital in Shell and I attended eighth grade at Nate Saint Memorial School. And God's brought me back here once again to teach other missionaries' kids in the same school! (It's a tad out-dated, but click here to read more about the school where I teach.)

Why did you move to Ecuador? - The short version - God told me to!

The long version - I have a relationship with God that allows me to follow His leading and trust Him for the very best with my life. I can look back now and see how God prepared me to come to Shell almost three years. Every path He's taken me down has led me here. And now that I'm here, I have no doubt this is where God wants me living and serving Him. And after following His leading, He's also blessed with with an amazing husband-to-be, whom I never would have met if I hadn't followed God's steps as He led me to Shell.

How can I support you? - Well, first and foremost, PRAY! I have no doubt that God can use me as a teacher because of His strength, patience, and encouragement through the prayers of those He's brought across my path. If you are interested in supporting me financially, visit


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Beth, I read your blog, and it is wonderful. We are all so happy for you back here in West Virginia. With this comment, I am sending my love and prayers.

    Suzanne Rutherford

  2. Blog looks great Beth. Can't wait to stay posted on all the goings on. I'm going to pray for you today!

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Yay for the blog, Beth!! such a great way for us all to stay updated! I'll be checking in regularly for new posts ;)

    Hope you're having a good week! :)

  4. Hi Beth! Your blog looks great! It's so wonderful that you are allowing God to use you and your gifts. God bless you in your mission! You continue to be in my prayers.

    Stephanie Hayes
